Welcome to Wei To Move Physical Therapy and Performance

Get the individualized physical therapy services that you deserve within the comfort of your own home.

Concierge Physical Therapy and Performance Training in Los Angeles

Physical Therapy provided within the convenience and comfort of your own home environment. At Wei To Move my goal is to help get you out of pain and back to the activities that you love. I want to work with you to make progress toward your lifestyle, performance, and athletic goals.

You can expect that throughout the process I will do everything I can to have you feeling confident and resilient with your body for long-term performance.

Our Philosophy and Approach

I take great pride in my extensive education and experience to provide you with the best care possible, but more than that, I want the focus to be on you! I want to understand what goals you have, what drives you, what concerns you have and what I can do to help guide you through the journey of training or rehabilitation.

I value objective testing. Through movement analysis, range of motion measurements, strength testing, sport-specific skills and additional testing procedures, the assessment process helps guide your treatment plan and inform us of your progress. I utilize the information gathered, in combination with how you’re feeling, to work together to determine next steps.

You will be treated 1-on-1, in your own home, each and every time. You will have my full attention, support, focus, and accountability to ensure that you are making progress towards your goals. Each appointment is typically 55 minutes; however, this time is flexible depending on your needs.

Now is your time, let’s get you Wei better!


  • NFL Off-Season JLT Performance Training Kenjon Barner

    Physical Therapy

    Detailed Evaluation

    Preventative to Rehabilitation based

    Neuromuscular Re-education

    Corrective Exercises

  • Exercise Programming

    Strength and Conditioning

    Sport Specific


  • Najee Harris NFL Manual Therapy Physical Therapy

    Manual Therapy

    Extremity Joint Mobilizations

    Spinal Joint Mobilizations/Manipulations

    Soft Tissue Mobilization


    Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

  • Modalities

    Electrical Muscle Stimulation


    Blood-Flow Restriction

    Kinesiology Tape

Meet Victor Wei

Hello Movers!

My background in sports, passion to better understand the human body, and desire to help others reach their goals drove me to pursue a career in physical therapy. After graduating from the physical therapy program at Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions and working for two years, I entered into the University of Southern California’s Sports Residency program. The residency was an incredible experience to elevate my knowledge, skills and experience so that I could provide care of the highest standard. I’ve had the opportunity to learn from some of the best physical therapists and have been exposed to various models of practice, which ultimately guided the unique vision of physical therapy that I implement.

Throughout my career I have developed a drive to care for my clients in a holistic manner, respecting the interdependent relationship that mind, body, stress, sleep, hydration and nutrition have on rehabilitation, performance and recovery as well as the experience of pain. My goal is to help guide you through your journey towards feeling confident with your body to accomplish your movement or athletic goals.


Doctorate of Physical Therapy from MGH Institute of Health Professions

Sports Residency trained through the University of Southern California


Board-Certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist

Board-Certified Sports Clinical Specialist

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Certified in Applied Functional Science


5 years of Clinical Experience

Clinical Instructor for MGH IHP and USC’s DPT students

Clinical Mentor for USC’s Sports Residency

NFL Off-Season at JLT Performance

University of Southern California (USC) Sports Physical Therapy

Get Started Now!